Monday, August 10, 2015


I love how this came out, and will do another.  This time instead of fusing the panel first and then full fusing it I am going to fire it all at one time.  Using 2 circles of 3mm white glass, the question here is how white glass will do covered with pieces of 3mm colored glass for the petals, and circle in the middle of the flower.   I will use the full fuse firing schedule as follows:

400dph...........................1225 degrees.......................hold 1 hour
600dph............................1470 degrees......................hold 10 mins
Full..................................900 degrees........................hold 1 hour

This is showing some artistry with the cutting of glass and use of the grinder as well as placement and design.  This also has 2 1/2 layers instead of 2 layers and I shall see if the thicker piece works the same.
Lessons Learned:

I like this better on thinner glass so I liked this better when I put a 2mm thin clear on top of a 3mm clear to make 5 mm worth of glass.  So next I will try using a piece of 4mm clear glass which I will cover with petals etc.  I did not like adding the additional yellow pieces .  also I like adding the center circular piece so it sits over the petals, so the center appears fully round and not cut off by the petal.  I wonder how it might work if I used a 4mm piece of glass, if I do think this I will have to account for it in the firing schedule.  Should I try a full process temperature of 1460, not 1470 degrees.


I fired my panel first and now I am adding several pieces to it and will full fuse it again but try to keep it a lower processing temperature.  I am trying the following:

400dph...............................1225degrees..............................hold 1 hour
600dph................................1450degrees.............................hold 10 mins
Full.......................................900degrees..............................hold 1 hour

Next small scallop mold project will combine bullseye 1140-0030 aventurine blue with bullseye 0126-0030

bullseye spring green opalescent kiln glass 000126-0030-x-xxxx

1140-0030I am using the spring green as the base with aventurine blue as the petals and an amber circle in center.  The overall base for the piece is clear.  I am currently firing it at full fuse as follows:

400dph...........................1225 degrees.......................1 hour
600dph...........................1470 degrees........................10 mins
Full...................................900 degrees..........................1 hour