Thursday, November 19, 2015

Christmas stocking

300 dph............................1250 degrees.....................hold 10 mins
Full...................................1420 degrees.....................hold 10 mins
Full....................................900 degrees......................hold 30-60 mins
60 dph................................700

Sunday, November 1, 2015


I cannot add a picture of bullseye glass striker 1120-0030.  It turns into a pretty yellow when fired.  But I tried to make sure it is not part of a series of glass that 

"This style is not suitable for kilncasting because it can opalize and/or become incompatible when held at high temperatures for an extended period. It may also opalize and/or become incompatible in instances where processes exceed the parameters of the test for compatibility. Testing recommended when heatwork exceeds these parameters.has gold in it and thus needs a 2 hour hold  when processing."

So at further thought I am not going to use this glass for my kiln carving project.  I am going to wait to buy a light transparent glass from Stained Glass Express on Thursday.   I am also going to buy some additional fiber paper.
Did my kiln carving pick up the marks I had drawn on the fiber paper, marks of veins in leaves; ever so slightly.  I guess it will need a second layers of fiber paper.  So may be I should try that: a big leaf, one cut out covered with a second cut out of veins and on a stem.  And perhaps it would improve in glass other than white.  Perhaps I will put this on a piece of green transparent glass.  But first I cut out circles and within those cut out circles I have placed another circle.  Want to see negative and positive and its effects on glass through kiln carving. 

Positive and negative.  The one on bottom is two circles cut out, with a smaller circle in center; the one above is 2 layers of two circles.  One is 1/8th inch and the other is 1/16th inch.