Thursday, June 5, 2014

New Mold 4 and 5/8 inches square.

I've got a new mold, a subtle slump, 4 and 5/8 inches square.  I think I will use this size (small) and the shape of the mold to practice more with design and color.  This way I will not be making big pieces and potentially wasting the glass, if it come out not the way I like.  This initial fuse with the dot design came out well>  Corners were rounded on this 2 layer piece of one 3mm blue opaque and one 2mm clear piece.  This combination of pieces equalling 5mm not the typically 6mm feels right, not too thick or heavy.  Also I had cut the rod into uneven pieces, not on purpose, but because it is hard to amke them all the same but they all fused flat and well but some appear to have a samll bit of devit on their tops, maybe a leftover bit of the glue that used to stick them to the surface before putting into the kiln.  Should i try to fix it with the fix of putting a layer of clear glass powder over the top and refiring it or should I go ahead with the slump?  I will think about it.  Anyway to fuse it I used the following schedule:

300dph..........................................1225 degrees......................................30 min
600dph..........................................1470 degrees.......................................10 min
Full..................................................900 degrees.........................................1 hour
100 dph...........................................700 degrees.........................................2 min
Full....................................................70 degrees.........................................Off

Anyway, I decided to put a layer of clear powder over the top surface and fire it to 1425 degrees and hold for 10 mins.  I ramped up 600 dph for the first and second step and then held at 1425 degrees and then full power to 700 and then off.  I hope this annealing does not break it.  I should go slower.

It did not break thank goodness and it also came out beautyfully, the devitrication on the dots was gone.  I love Bullseye, anyway, now I am slumping it with the following schedule:

300dph...................................1200 degrees....................hold 20 mins
Full............................................900 degrees...................hold 1 hour
100 dph......................................700 degrees...................hold 1 min
Full...............................................70 degrees...................Off

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