Thursday, August 21, 2014


I basically put 5 or 6 clear pieces of glass, most which were 3mm, and added stringers to one of them in the middle.  On top of that I placed two or three more layers of clear glass.  The sides were uneven and they were in pieces.  I placed them on fiber paper and dammed them are three sides with kiln furniture.  I placed fiber paper between the glass and the dams and elevated one of the sides so that the glass would flow towards the other side.  Then I fired it with the following schedule:

100 dph..................................300 degrees..........................................hold 15 mins
200 dph..................................600 degrees..........................................hold 15 mins
300 dph..................................1050 degrees........................................hold 15 mins
450 dph...................................1490 degrees........................................hold 15mins
 Full............................................900 degrees.......................................hold 2 hours
300 dph........................................700 degrees......................................hold 10 mins

Don't have any idea how it will all come out.  Really that is quite a few levels of glass, although not very big piece of glass, it might still take a long to melt it all.  I also don't know how the flow issue will work.  Bullseye has a tip sheet on working deep which I will take a closer look at.  We shall see what happens

So what I got was an uneven thick block where the stringer moved deep within.  I think I will look at Bullseye which seems to have a video on flow fusing and also a tip sheet on "working Deep"

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