Friday, January 30, 2015


So I am continuing to experiment with the pyramid mold.  This time instead of using my home made frit mixture which condensed into the mold somewhat more than the first frit mixture(which mixed home made frit with store frit) I am using scrap glass.  After researching how much scrap glass I should use, I learned through Bullseye web site that inorder to determine the amount of glass you should use in a mold you can fill the mold with water, measure the amount of water it takes to fill the mold and multiply it by 2.5.  In the pyramid case it resulted in 10 ounces.  So i measured 10 ounces of scrap glass most of which was transparent glass.  The colours were red, blue, violet and some opaque white glass.  I cut those into small pieces and put it into the mold layering some of it on the top and set the firing schedule as follows:

200dph.....................................1225 degrees..................................hold 1 and 1/2 hours
600dph......................................1520 degrees...............................................hold 2 hours
Full ...........................................900 degrees.................................................hold 1 hour
6 degrees....................................800 degrees......................................................0
12 degrees...................................700

Well it all came out quite muddy, colors muddy and mixed together.  Also a few pieces of the glass scrap pieces that i piled on top must of fell off, it was lying on the floor of the kiln and so the pyramid was small and had some sharp peaks on the bottom.  I have not finished it or coldworked it yet.

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