Friday, April 3, 2015

Tack Fuse

Can I say definitively what temperature works for tack fuse in my kiln.  Perhaps not I think because doesn't depend on the size of the piece and perhaps how close it is to the heating elements, also how many pieces are in the kiln at one time.  Doesn't all the factors and probably many more...the type of glass, the color, the viscosity.  So much to learn and it is so interesting.  Well anyway this time I put 2 layers of clear measuring 10 by 2 inches, a smaller blue/green top piece which was a roll end of one of my pieces of glass.  It was a scrap piece after I used the rest of the sheet and it was a pretty shape.  So I am placing that one piece of 3mm end glass on 2 layers of clear 3mm glass and am firing that at:

300dph...................1250 degrees................................hold 30 mins
300dph....................1445 degrees...............................hold 10 mins
Full............................900 degrees...............................hold 1 hour

This came out full fused not tack fused.  I am going to compare this with full fused schedule from Bullseye and see what the difference is

400 dph...................................1225 degree......................hold 1 hour
600 dph....................................1475 degree......................hold 10 mins
Full...........................................900 degrees......................hold 1 hour
100 dph.....................................700 degree.......................hold 1 min

And this is Bullseye tack fuse schedule

300 dph...........................................1000 degrees...................hold 15 mins
 600 dph..........................................1425 degrees...................hold 10 mins
full.....................................................900 degrees...................hold 1 1/2 hours
75 dph...............................................700

The first schedule I adapted from Couleur de Verre panel firing schedule and since i used 2 layers of glass along with a top of decorative glass I raised processing temperature.  There schedule was for 2 layers only.  But it appears I should have lowered processing temp to 1425.  Additionally their schedule goes us more slowly.  But most important REMEMBER FOR TACK FUSED TRY A LOWER TEMPERATURE PROBABLY AROUND 1425 DEGREES.  FOR ALL THINGS IN MY KILN USE A LOWER TEMPERATURE. 

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